Whether you're making property fixes or tuning up cars, if you're in the repair business, you want to provide your customers with invoices. With Skynova's invoice template, you can create personalized repair invoices quickly. When your invoice is ready, download the document as a PDF or send it directly to customers for fast processing.
Although you might be tempted to use Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel for your invoice, these programs can make the process a bit longer with unnecessary steps. With Skynova, you can do everything in our form, including keeping all of your invoices in one place. If you're in the repair industry, check out how to customize the template below for your business:
A comprehensive invoice tells customers what they are paying for, as well as how and when to pay you. This allows you to collect the money you are due in a timely fashion. While the details contained within the invoice, such as the customer name and type of repair performed, will vary, all invoices need to include certain elements.
Skynova's free invoice templates cover the essential points, allowing you to input individualized details for efficient invoice creation. Follow the steps below to adapt this customizable repair invoice template to your needs.
You'll want to start by adding your business name and the customer's name in their respective fields. Make sure to use whatever name is on the legal record. If your company is formally registered as an LLC, include the full company name as it appears on your business formation documents. If you are a sole proprietorship and operate under your own name, input your legal name as it appears on your tax paperwork. Do the same for your customer, taking into account whether you are billing an individual or a business.
Next, input your address and the customer's address. In addition to a street address, include contact information like a phone number and email address. If you have to follow up with your customer on a payment, you will know how to reach them. Similarly, if they have a question about the invoice, they know how to reach you.
Every invoice should have a unique identification number to help you keep track of billing. The Skynova free repair invoice allows you to enter any combination of letters and numbers. It's best to establish an orderly system for numbering invoices.
Your first invoice can simply be labeled "Invoice 001" and you can increase subsequent invoices incrementally by one number as you go forward. The Skynova system even automatically increases invoice numbers by one as you create each invoice, ensuring you never repeat a number.
Dating each invoice with the date it was created is common business practice. For instance, if you completed auto repair services on a Sunday but didn't get around to invoicing until Monday, the invoice would be dated for Monday. Additionally, note on the invoice when payment is due. "Net 30" is a common payment term (meaning the money is due within 30 calendar days from the invoice date). Clarifying exactly when the money is due ensures that you get paid within a reasonable timeframe.
When you're in the repair business, you will inevitably incur material costs. If you're doing auto repair work, for example, you might have to perform an oil change. That oil costs money and should be billed to your customer. If you perform masonry, you might charge customers for the cost of bricks and mortar. Exactly what the "materials" you need to charge for are dependent upon your line of work.
With Skynova repair service invoice templates, you can include line items detailing exactly what materials you've used and how much each type of material costs. Simply describe the item (e.g., "tail lights"), then define the Quantity (in this example, "2"), and finally input the Unit Price (how much a single tail light costs). The Skynova system multiplies the Quantity by the Unit Price to calculate the total amount for you.
As a repair professional, your time is valuable. You shouldn't just charge for material costs but also for working time. Whether hourly or project-based, provide customers with a clear fee schedule upfront. Note that the rates for an individual working in an auto repair shop won't necessarily be the same as for an individual working in a computer repair shop. Rates vary across industries and locations. If you aren't sure what to charge, take a look at what businesses similar to yours in your area charge.
Skynova lets you calculate repair services on an hourly or a per-service basis. If you opt to charge an hourly rate, choose "Hours" under "Item" and input your hourly rate under "Unit Price." Include how many hours you worked under "Quantity" (it's best to keep track of this as you're working). Finally, write a description of the services you performed. The template will calculate the total.
If you choose to charge on a per-service basis, you can input a fixed price rate by choosing "Product" instead of "Hours" under "Item." Provide a description of the services performed and then input the fixed rate you charge for this service. You may need to provide additional notes. For example, if you charge a flat rate for towing but calculate added costs based on how far a vehicle is towed, clarify this in the notes (e.g., "Flat fee for towing = [cost], plus X miles at [cost] per mile).
Discounts can attract new customers and foster positive relationships with existing customers. A holiday deal will nurture loyalty among current customers, for example, while a newcomer special is a great way to attract a fresh clientele. Discounts will pay off over time if they win you reliable repeat customers who pay on time.
With Skynova, you can easily add discounts to your invoices. Simply select "Discount" from the "Item" menu. Then, you can enter the amount of the discount under "Unit Price" and provide a brief description. The number you input for a discount will be calculated negatively and subtracted from the invoice total. Always explain why a discount is provided to your customers to avoid confusion or irritation. For example, if you give your customer 25% off first-time engine repair but they have to pay full price the second time, they will wonder about the price difference.
Any blank invoice from Skynova includes a "Notes" section where you can add further details. For example, if you are using an auto repair invoice template, you may want to include vehicle information (like make and model) here. If you've completed a car repair that needs repeating, like an oil change, you might add a note telling your customer when their next oil change is needed. This is the kind of added detail customers appreciate.
Whether you need a free auto repair invoice template or a home repair template, Skynova simplifies invoicing. There are a few other steps you can take to ensure efficient, reliable payment processes for your repair business.
Repair costs are variable across locations, industries, and specialties. Even the cost of an engine tuneup will vary depending on the type of car you're dealing with. Always be upfront about costs with your customers to avoid any issues. Providing a repair estimate so they know what to expect is the best way to circumvent confusion or disputes.
As a repair professional, you're doing technical work that requires a certain level of expertise. The terms that you use to describe your work may not be familiar to people outside of your field. Make sure to include everyday language in your invoice if needed. You can include technical terminology and then add basic explanations in parentheses.
The reason you include an invoice date and pay-by date is to make sure you receive your money in a prompt fashion. If you aren't paid within the specified timeframe, follow up with a courteous email and resend the invoice. You never know if people forgot or lost the original. If you don't hear further, try following up with a phone call.
Whether you run a mobile phone or auto repair business, making repairs requires technical skills. You deserve to be rewarded for your expertise. Skynova helps you get paid with customizable professional invoices. Skynova features and products can also help you with other billing and accounting tasks, allowing you to manage work orders, save customer contact information, and more.
Find out how Skynova can help you run your repair business more efficiently and professionally today.